Conditions we work with.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder grouped by abnormalities in communication, social interaction and behaviour. There are currently no identified cures for autism, but functional medicine can be used as a tool to manage symptoms, and greatly improve quality of life, by seeking and correcting physiological imbalances that may be at the root of autism symptoms. These could include underlying nutrient deficiencies, inflammation, gut dysbiosis, and more, that if addressed through functional medicine, can help reset the body’s healing groundwork to help support optimal Wellness for with ASD.

Functional medicine is a personalised approach to human health focused on finding underlying causes for disease symptoms. For cancer patients, functional medicine can sometimes provide support during the treatment process, and even act as a complementary treatment to help manage the damage from chemotherapy or radiation. It does this by looking at certain factors, such as nutrition, stress, or environmental toxins, and then addressing them through specific changes backed by evidence.
Multiple Sclerosis

Functional medicine provides an individualised approach to MS that isn’t solely concerned with the effects of the disease, but also looks to uncover the causes, including what the intestines have to do with it. We tend to the whole person, not just the person with MS-related issues. In doing so, we can turn to indigenous practices and ancient medicines to uncover the root cause of the condition. In this sense, we're searching for the missing component. Inevitably, their come to view their symptoms as the warning signs of an overtaxed organism not in harmony with its environment.
Auto-Immune conditions

Thyroid Problems

