We could half cancer rates by optimising this vitamin Level....

The majority of you reading this article will be vitamin D deficient and it is a problem. I am not a big supplement taker but vitamin D is the one supplement that I make sure is taken by the whole family. Why is it so important?
Vitamin D is crucial for good health. It inhibits
Cancer Growth
Heart disease
Mental disorder like depression and anxiety
Recurrent infections Immune support
Support fight off recurrent infections
Autoimmune disorders
Prevent tooth loss
Part of the problem is that the reference range used in mainstream medicine. As it stands most labs say that 50ng/ml is optimal. This, in reality, is not enough.
Scientists who are experts in vitamin D chemistry are now finding that the actual need for vitamin D is greater than 75 ng/ml. In clinic, I aim for between 100-150ng/ml
What is the problem?
The problem is millions of people who are around 30-75 are told by their physicians that they have a normal level of D, when in fact it is too low.
Now here is another more serious problem.
If you have100ng/ml and the physician may tell you to cut back as they are too high!.
Researchers have shown we could cut cancer and heart attack rates in half in this country if people just had enough vitamin D. Let me repeat this profound fact. We could cut the incidence in half if we had optimal levels of vitamin D. In addition to being cancer preventative vitamin D status at the time of cancer diagnosis is predictive of mortality!. read this article if you don't believe this fact.... https://www.theguardian.com/science/2005/dec/28/health.medicineandhealth
Sadly, it will take many years before medicine catches up. It does not mean however it takes you many years to catch up.
As a consequence, we will see even more of an explosion of our current epidemics of diabetes and depression, cancer and heart disease. In addition, more people will develop auto-immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, and lupus, not to mention Alzheimer's.
Basically, the takeaway message from today's article is people who have too little vitamin D are told they have just enough. And people who think they are taking enough will be told they have too much and should cut back.
Nutritional medicine practitioners also understand that cheap and synthetic forms in foods and nutrients lower the good level of D3.
So make sure you use a quality Vitamin D3 supplement and don't forget the value of 30 minutes of natural sunshine.
I typically use Vitamin D liquid Vitamin D from Viridian.
The bottom line is get your vitamin D levels checked. Your GP may test it for you. If you want to test it privately drop me an email and I will send you a kit and will tell you specifically what you need to take in order to balance your levels.This is a simple inexpensive finger prick test kit that you can do at home.
Paul Foley Nutritional Therapist Dip Nut CNM, mBANT, mCNH

Phone; 0759 793 6899 Email; paul@pfoleyclinic.com Web; www.pfoleyclinic.com
This was adapted and edited with compliments from Functional Medicine University www.FunctionalMedicineUniversity.com. Paul is currently studying functional medicine with the university.
Adams JS, et al., Update in vitamin D, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 95:471-8, 2010
Souberbielle JC, et al, Vitamin D and musculoskeletal health, cardiovascular disease, autoimmunity and cancer: recommendations for clinical practice, Autoimmun Rev 9:709-15, 2010
Pierrot-Deseilligny C, et al, Is hypovitaminosis D one of the environmental risk factors for multiple sclerosis? Brain 133:1869-88, 2010
Carl Lindner B., et al., Low vitamin D and narcolepsy and cataplexy, Sleep Diagn Ther 6; 5:47-50, 2011