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Eggshell Calcium....


Eggshells are one of the best natural sources of calcium and it is in an easy form for our bodies to digest.

Eggs from any source will do but it is preferred that they be organic and free range.

To get at the calcium in the egg shell we first must break the shell down so the we can easily free the calcium for absorption. There are two methods for getting egg shells into your diet.


Boil the egg shell for 10 minutes to kill off any bugs. When you are next making a smoothie just put the egg shell into the smoothie. You will need a good blender but this is the most convenient way to integrate them into your diet.


Preferred method but preparation time required.

For this you will need

  1. Empty egg shells

  2. Coffee grinder or mortal and pestle

  3. Small mason Jar with lid

Accumulate enough egg shells (12 or more rinsed egg shells) from your weekly cooking.

When you have enough wash them well. Take care not to wash out the inner membrane as this is rich in nutrients also.

Fill a saucepan with water and bring to the boil.

Add the Eggs. By doing this you will kill off any harmful pathogens. Cook for 10-12 minutes.

When finished, drain the shells, lay them on a tray and place in a preheated oven. When they go into the oven then switch the oven off and the heat will dry the egg shells so they are ready to be powdered.

Pulverize the egg shell the next day in a coffee grinder. Store in an airtight mason jar in a cool dry place.


The dose per 1 tsp = 1000mg of calcium.

If you need a lot of calcium then take a whole tsp and if your needs are moderate take ½ tsp daily.

Add to Soup stocks, stews, smoothies or just drink in a juice.

Calcium and magnesium need to be taken in at least equal amounts so take a magnesium supplement if required. Also take 2000 iu’s per day of vitamin D for an adult or 400iu’s for a child.

Paul Foley Nutritional Therapist

0759 793 6899

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